Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pumpkin Decorating

Thursday Night we decorated the pumpkins we got last week at the Pumpkin Patch; Matt was a practice so the kids and I had some mom fun. I don't do the Halloween thing so we went to Wal-Mart and got some fun stickers to decorate the pumpkins with. We also cleaned out the seeds to toast; toasted pumpkin seeds are one of my favorites.

Benen and his pumpkin

Anna and her pumpkin

Benen's Nemo Fish Bowl Pumpkin

Anna's Princess Pumpkin

My Noah's Ark Pumpkin


1 comment:

Jill said...

So cute! What a fun idea. Did the stickers really stick? Kale drew on his and the marker comes off on my hands everytime I move it...So fun :)