Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Anna's Baptism

Anna got baptized on Sunday. Here are some pictures of it.

Matt: baptized her, and as you can tell was very excited. Matt had our senior pastor, Pastor Dwight, pray for her and it was a very prophetic prayer. 

In talking to Anna about why she wanted to get baptized and in teaching her about baptism I have realized that baptism is actually a very simple and at the same time a very big step in obedience. I think that God designed baptism to be simple to understand; as it is meant to be done after we except Him - it reminds me of child like faith. The simplicity of it is that God commands us to do it and we do. At the same time it is a huge act of obedience, while baptism does not save you it is an act of saying before witnesses that I have surrender my life to God - which doing that in public is a huge blow to the enemy. That is exactly what Anna did.

We are very proud of our little girl for wanting to be obedient!

Jo Lee


Jan said...


Unknown said...

We are proud of her too!

Kimberly Beach said...

Miss Anna:
I am so proud of your decision to serve Christ! How exciting!

Not every day will be easy, but every day will be worth it when one day, we stand before Jesus and run to his arms and says, "Good job, Anna!"

We love you very much!

Kim and David