Friday, November 6, 2009

Baby Lee Update

So I had my first OB appointment yesterday at the Midwives, and it went good. In talking we decided to do an ultrasound today because she was not sure I was as far along as we thought and my body has an abnormal cycle so it was possible.

Had the ultrasound and everything looks good. I got to see Wee Lee's heart beat, and I am only 5 weeks (almost 6 weeks) this puts my due date as July 3rd.

The thing that I am having a hard time grasping is that with Anna I had to have a blood test at 5 weeks to find out if I was pregnant, then with Benen I was 23 weeks before I had a positive home pregnancy test, but with this one I found out (with a home test) before I technically missed a period... CRAZY - but okay I will be thankful for the body I have.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yippee Healthy Baby! My mom has a request - would you mind being a day late so that this little one can be born on her birthday? Just a thought...