I really need to remember what I am thankful this week; it has been I little bit of an emotional roller coaster.
I am thankful...
1....for my friends that have not gotten annoyed with me this week; and my bodies weirdness.
2...for my very supportive husband.
3...for the ability that my body had to care 2 beautiful children to full term.
4...for my children's health.
5...for my mom; and the fact that she cleaned my kitchen while babysitting on Sunday night.
6...for the riverRUNNERS volunteers they rock; and they love those 4 and 5 year olds.
7...for a church that see children's ministry as important.
8...for pastors that truly desire to listen to God and follow His lead.
9...for a house to have; even if I need to clean it.
10...that Matt get next week off; and we get to go Christmas shopping.