Dear Baby Girl-
Please lets never ever go to the doctor for a routine check up find out you have lost a pound of weight, have to have a bag taped to your girl parts, wait over an hour to see if you pee - you do not. Get sent to the hospital to get several blood test done (like 8, finally pee - but pee out of the bag on to the diaper), have to get more blood work done because the lab did not have enough, and have to get poked 5 times in order to get all that blood. Okay - I do not need to do that again! How about you just do a better job of telling me you are sick - deal?
Mom that does not like seeing you in pain
Dear Hospital Lab-
Seriously could you get your act together. I know you need to have good and adequate samples for your tests to work, but could you get your story straight the first time so that pour nurses do not have to poke little babies with big needles some many times.
One annoyed mom
Dear Nursery Nurses-
Thank you for taking your time and for making sure we had everything the lab needed before we left. Thank you for being so gentle and caring with my baby, and I am sorry you had to poke her so many times too.
Thank you,
One mom that needed to know someone cared
Dear Big Kids-
Thank you for being so good while we waited for your sister to pee in a bag for so long at the office. Thank you for being good for your dad, and for getting some school work done with him.
Thank you,
One mom that loves her big kids
Dear Hubby-
Thank you for not even hesitating to leave work and taking care of the big kids while I took care of a sick baby. You rock, and you so earned brownie points for that one.
The brownie point giver
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