Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Road to Mudderella Pre-Picture

To help document my journey to Mudderella, fitness, and weight loss - I am posting a post picture of myself, and plan to post some more pictures throughout my journey.

(Ignore the beds - that would be my daughters idea of made beds, and it was the only room I could get a good picture in.)

Jo Lee

Monday, February 23, 2015

Mud, Princesses, and More

So, I did something today that I have wanted to do for a couple of years. I signed up to participate in Mudderella Colorado 2015 - Mudderella is an opportunity for women to unite and share their strength, laughter and tears over a 5-7 mile mud obstacle course.

So Why, would I do something like that?
To help me lose the last 20-25 pounds I would like to lose.
To do something that help motivate me to get into shape.
To do something new.
To do something with some fun ladies, that I know, and meet some new ladies.
I have wanted to do a Color Run, Fun Run, or something like that for a coupe of years.
To raise money for Futures Without Violence - Futures Without Violence (FUTURES) is a leading national nonprofit and social change organization working to end and prevent dating and domestic violence, child abuse, and sexual assault by providing resources and support for victims and survivors, and raising awareness through educational programs all throughout the country. 


I am going to keep track of my training progress, and I will let you know how the race goes on Aug. 22.

If you want to donate to Futures Without Violence go here:

To learn more about Mudderella go here:

To learn more about Futures Without Violence go here:

Jo Lee

Friday, February 13, 2015

God's Got Reasons.....

We do not always understand why God does what he does or puts us in the places He does but He has reasons...

In Genesis 13 and 14 we find the story of Abram (Abraham) and Lot. This is were Lot and Abram divide up the land they are living in. Lot picks the more fertile land, but the thing is that Lot ends up in the middle of a war and taken captive by Sodom and Gomorrah, and his wife turns to salt.

At first it would appear that Abram got the short end of the stick in the land divide, but God was protecting him, not only that but God provided for him and even blessed him in the land he was in.

Jo Lee