Friday, February 12, 2010

Baby Girl to Arrive in July

We had our ultrasound today and we are having a girl. Here are some of the ultrasound pictures for those of you that can read them. Her name is Somer Joy; meaning summer joy.

After the ultrasound Matt and I were walking down the hall and he was really quiet, I asked if he was okay. He said yes " I am just falling in love." I said with our baby; and he is:) I know we both are. It just seems more real and like we are actually going to have this baby now that she has a name and we have seen her.


1 comment:

Kimberly Beach said...

I think she is waving at us!

Okay, not only a name I have trouble remembering but a different spelling? YOu're killing me!

Thanks for organizing our meals. It was been such a blessing.